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Category Archives: Beauty & Health

Grapes stains: which are dangerous and which are safe? 

When buying grapes, white stains on the skin of grapes are normal. And can be caused by many things. However, we can tell the difference between naturally occurring white stains and those caused by chemicals. Natural white stain appearance The white coating found on the

Get to know “Yanang”, a plant rich in chlorophyll

Yanang is a vine that climbs around other trees. Its scientific name is Tiliacora triandra (Colebr.) Diels. It is in the Menispermaceae family. It has many local names. For example, in the North it is called Joy Nang, Joy Nang vegetable. In the Central region it

5 skin care items for men, both face and body

5 items to enhance good skin for men with safe products that are complete for both skin and body. In this day and age, the question of whether men should take care of themselves or not is still a question on people’s minds. The truth is that

How to consume Spinach safely and get the most benefits?

The following tips may help you safely and reap the maximum benefits of this superfood green vegetable Spinach. Most people can safely eat bok choy in moderation. But for good health and complete nutrition, it’s best to eat other healthy foods along with exercise and

Broccoli and cancer prevention.

Researchers believe that broccoli is rich in compounds that have anti-cancer properties. Studies have shown that broccoli leaves and stems contain Antioxidant compounds called phenolic compounds. That may help reduce inflammation and cell damage that can lead to cancer. Indole-3-carbinol is also thought to have cancer-fighting properties body.

What are the benefits of folate?

Folate is a form of vitamin B9 that plays a role in the production of red blood cells. Aids in cell growth and function, and is essential for the synthesis of DNA and other genetic material. Folate is essential for the body, especially children, pregnant

Benefits of mineral water.

Specific minerals and organic compounds in each type of natural mineral water may have health benefits. As follows: Strengthen bone health Calcium is an important mineral that helps strengthen and maintain complete and strong bones. Calcium mineral water with more than 150 milligrams of calcium per

5 misconceptions that long time about hair care

Navigating the abyss of hair care advice can be overwhelming, with countless tips and tricks available at every turn. From old wives’ tales to trendy TikTok hacks, the world is full of hair care myths that can leave us confused and unsure about what to

Dangers of eating Too much “instant noodles“

Consuming instant noodles in moderation may not cause negative health effects. However, their nutritional value is low, and frequent consumption may be linked to poor diet quality. The increase of 5-10 baht may still be enough to endure. But some things are more expensive, the difference